Hello everyone. Last time, I wrote about “Customer Journey Mapping” which was introduced as one of the analysis methods when conducting primary research. This time, I would like to write about another analysis methods called “KANO Model”.
1. What is “KANO Model”?
KANO model is the model that expresses the relationship between customer satisfaction and quality, developed in the 1980s by Professor Kano at the Tokyo University of Science. That’s why this is called “KANO” model. Even though it was developed by a Japanese person, it seems to be a little bit minor among Japanese problem solvers (including consulting firms). Rather, it may be used more overseas. However, I think that there are quite a few people who have probably seen something like this image.

In this example, “functions” of cars like “Power Steering”, “Auto-start”, etc. are mapped. In this way, I think the good point of this model is its flexibility that can target not only the “quality” level, but also “functions”, “products” and “services”.
As in this example, map quality (functions, products, services, etc.) into a two-axis matrix of “Exceptional performance”-“Poor performance” and “Customer satisfied”-”Customer dissatisfied” for segmentation. And based on the segmentation results, the final objective of this model is to prioritize order of development or improvement of the quality (function, product, service, etc.).
2. How to use and view “KANO model”
To map to the model, do a customer survey and ask: 1) What would you think if you have the quality (feature, product, service, etc.)? 2) Conversely, how would you feel if you don’t have them? There are a lot of detailed instructions on how to proceed with the survey on the internet, so let me share one link as an example.
Mapping will be done based on the survey results, but the feature of the Kano model segmentation is that the segments have already been decided. Map to each segment. There are five segments as below.

(Blue circle numbers are the segments)
1. “Must”: Dissatisfied if not exists, but satisfaction won’t go up even if exists
2. “Attractive”: No dissatisfaction if not exists. Satisfaction will go up if exists
3. “Performance”: Dissatisfied if not exists. Satisfaction will go up if exists
4. “Indifferent”: Existence doesn’t impact on satisfaction
5. “Reverse”: Satisfaction will go up if no exists (excessive quality, etc.)
And, the order of prioritization is 1 -> 3 ->2 -> 4 (How to handle 5 is case by case).
3. “KANO model” as a discussion tool
As mentioned above, it is basically the “KANO model” that maps based on the results of customer surveys (questionnaires), but I often use it as a discussion tool. Actually, this is the main reason why I think the KANO model is “usable”.
Write a two-axis matrix on a whiteboard, or prepare slides such as PowerPoint for online workshops and put post-its on them. Below is an image of how it will be used in the online workshop (I will write about the online workshop later in this blog -> I wrote it!).

In order to incorporate voice of the customer, invite customers (if it is difficult to involve customers directly, people in the company such as sales who has a good grasp of voice of the customer) in the workshop and proceed with the discussion. Recommended if you want to quickly prioritize and proceed without spending too much resources for customer surveys.
That’s all for this time, and I would like to continue from the next time onwards. Thank you for reading until the end.