Hello everyone. Last time, I wrote about Change Management which is one of the soft skills that support problem solvers. I wrote about the tasks that need to be added as Change Management to “general problem solving (as-is ~ to-be) and Lean Six Sigma” by mapping them with the 3 representative Change Management approach (Kotter’s 8 steps / Change Acceleration Process / ADKAR).
I would like to write about “project management” as another soft skill over several times from this time.
1. Representative Project Management Approach
Different from Change Management, I think most of you are familiar with the word, “Project Management”. So, I would like to skip the definitions and take a look at the three representative approaches of Project Management.
A strange name suddenly appeared (lol), but it is an abbreviation for “Project Management Body Of Knowledge”. I think Americans like this “Body Of Knowledge” series (lol). There are many others, such as “BABOK (Business Analysis Body Of Knowledge)”, etc.
“Body Of Knowledge”, as the name suggests, it used to be really thick like an encyclopedia, but the latest “7th edition” has undergone a major revision, and it seems to have become much thinner, from 750 pages to 250 pages. But I think it is still thick enough (lol). The content has a rough approach and flow, and introduces templates for deliverables to be created in each part of the flow. It’s like this;

These are really just templates, they don’t work if you use them as they are, and customization is a must. If you are working for consulting firms, I think that many firms already have their own methodologies, but I think that those methodologies are more or less influenced by this PMBOK. Recently, I think that many general business companies (non consulting firms) have their own methodologies as well. In those cases I think that most of them are PMBOK based. This is pretty much the standard approach.
By the way, this PMBOK is created by the PMI (Project Management Institute) in the United States, and it is also the basis of the PMP (Project Management Professional) certification exam certified by PMI. PMP is a globally recognized certification exam for project managers. This is accepted globally, so if you are not certified yet, I recommend giving it a try!
This is an abbreviation of “PRojects IN Controlled Environments”, this is a European deliverable created by the British government as opposed to PMBOK from the United States. So this seems to be the major reference in Europe.
The general approach/process is as follows. It looks a little simpler, but I think there are many parts that overlap with PMBOK in terms of contents.

Please see this link for details.
It stands for “Capability Maturity Model Integration”. It was created by the “Software Engineering Institute (SEI)” at Carnegie Mellon University.
The general approach/flow is as follows. This also looks a little simpler, but I think there are many parts that overlap with PMBOK in terms of contents. The point is that this is “Maturity Model”, so the maturity evaluation is built in.

In Japan, the momentum for the introduction of CMMI increased for a while before, but due to reasons such as the cost of maturity evaluation (Is it like ISO?), it seems that the introduction has not been progressing.
2. Summary of “PMBOK“、”PRINCE2″ and “CMMI”
Looking at the 3 approaches above, I think there are many things in common. I picked up 3 this time, but “CMMI” implementation has not been progressed, and “PRINCE2” is mainly in Europe, so I think it would be better to focus on “PMBOK” from global perspective.
And much of what is included in PMBOK is actually included in “the way of proceeding general problem solving (as-is ~ to-be) and Lean Six Sigma”.
Next time, I would like to map with the general problem solving (as-is ~ to-be) and Lean Six Sigma that I have written so far, and write a little more specific tasks that need to be added as “project management”.
That’s all for this time, and I would like to continue from the next time onwards. Thank you for reading until the end.